A Declaration of Intent

Well, hello.

I decided to dig out this place (set up for other reasons before dropping Twitter etc etc) and turn it into a map that collects my interests, thoughts and ideas, and - why not - achievements big and small, mostly for my own consumption.

Inspired by

- Twitter and Instagram boredom;

- The need to gather the things I am proud about, in a way that encompasses my interests;

- The realisation that in every social network people become a "fortune cookie" version of themselves, and you never get to really know them;

- A recent post I read about digital gardens, and obviously I can't find it any more but I guess this is a good reference, even though "digital garden" is not a concept I really buy into;

- Having understood the key difference between informational Stock and Flow in some other blog page I can't find any more sorry;

I decided to dig out this place (set up for other reasons before dropping Twitter etc etc) and turn it into a map that collects my interests, thoughts and ideas, and - why not - achievements big and small, mostly for my own consumption.

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